We've all been there, cruising along on our very smooth Queensland roads on that beautiful sunny day when suddenly we see those flashing blue and red lights and hear that awful siren. Yep, they're after us. All because a few weeks back that bloody truck flicked up a rock that ended up cracking our windscreen. We didn't rush to get it fixed and left it for Ron, but now Ron is officer Ron standing by our vehicle handing us a defect notice.
Now we've made an appointment with the fantastic window specialist down the road to fix our windscreen. Mr window specialist had our 2014 Ford Ranger Window in stock and was able to get us in within the timeframe Office Ron gave us. We can give Roadworthy 2 U a call to come and sign off our defect, letting Queensland Transport know we've solved all the worlds problems and got our window fixed.
Ideally, everything will go smoothly, but if sometimes we miss the mark and we need to choose between going out to the pub with the boys Friday night or get the window fixed, and like most of the time beers with the boys always wins, so what do we do know we will not be able to get our defect signed off in time?
Don't worry all you need to do is get an extension, How do you get an extensions? You will need to call up Office Ron (the police officer who gave you the defect) for an extension (but don't tell him its because you want some beers), If this seems a bit hard TMR has another solution, sell your vehicle to a licensed motor dealership.
Ok now we have all this covered a vehicle defect can be one of over a hundred different issues, falling into 1 of 2 categories:
Dangerous defect- if its considered dangerous, your car will be taken off the road immediately, and you wont be able to drive it away from where Officer Ron pulled you over.
Not Dangerous defect- you will be allowed to drive to a specified location.
The defect notice will outline the issues, the type of defect, and the timeframe for getting the repairs done and signed off.
Now you know what we know about defects and how to fix all the worlds problems.
Don't let a vehicle defect ruin your day or your plans. Contact us at Roadworthy 2 U and we can help you navigate the process off getting your vehicle back on the road. We understand the stress and inconvenience that comes with a defect notice, and we are here to help make the process as smooth as possible.
